2018-10-5 · Yoke-style standard cam followers are constructed with materials and finishes designed to provide minimum friction. The outer races feature high-carbon, chrome-bearing steel construction, and the inner races feature low-carbon alloy steel construction, carburized and case-hardened on the raceway area.
Cam Followers - RBC Bearings
2018-8-27 · Technical innovation and cost-saving features have distinguished RBC cam followers from competitors. Contact RBC engineers for assistance in solving difficult bearing challenges in your application.
Cam Followers | Emerson BearingOccupation: CEO
Amazon.com: cam follower bearing
4pcs/lot KR22 KRV 22 CF 10 Cam Follower Needle Roller Bearing. 4pcs/lot KR16 KRV 16 CF 6 Cam Follower Needle Roller Bearing. by Ogry. $6.80 $ 6 80. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. 4 out of 5 stars 1. Product Description 4pcs/lot KR16 KRV 16 CF 6 Cam Follower Needle Roller Bearing.
CCTY Bearing | Cam Follower
CCTY Bearing produces standard cam followers, which are characterized by a thick outer ring that allows them to absorb shock. We also have the ability to produce specialized cam followers. Our design team and engineers will work with you to make sure the cam follower fits the appropriate application.
Cam Followers - IKO International
A cam follower is a bearing that incorporates needle style rollers between a stud and a thick outer ring. Small coefficient of friction. Excellent rotational performance designed for outer ring revolution.
McGill | Cam Follower Bearings
Cam follower bearings provide an antifriction solution for translating rotation to linear motion. They also support either pure radial or combination thrust loads, depending on the rolling elements types.
Cam follower -
A cam follower, also known as a track follower, is a specialized type of roller or needle bearing designed to follow cam lobe profiles. Cam followers come in a vast array of different configurations, however the most defining characteristic is how the cam follower mounts to its mating part.