bearing grease with excellent adhesion, abrasion resistance, heat
resistance, rust resistance and lubrication, can improve the bearing
temperature oxidation resistance, delayed aging, can dissolve carbon
avoid metal wear debris and oil knot together, the progress of mechanical abrasion, pressure and corrosion resistance. But after an investigation bearing grease aggregated movement process, we noticed: bearing grease should not be excessive. Not only adds a grease waste, and the role of Destructive Enthusiasm.
practice, operation of the bearing, if not add too much grease, the
higher the speed, the greater the harm, the more the greater the torque
loading of the conflict together. Under the same conditions the amount of filling, sealed bearings conflict torque than the larger open bearings. When
the filling amount of grease inside the bearing space volume equivalent
to 60% in the future, the friction torque is not significantly
increased, because it is an open bearing grease is extruded majority,
and sealed in the bearing lubrication fat loss has also reasons. Follow
the grease filling quantity is added, bearing temperature linear
progress, the same amount of filling, sealed bearing temperature rise
was higher than the open bearings. Usually think, sealed rolling bearing grease filling amount, shall not
exceed a maximum of 50% of the internal space of the ball bearing with
20-30% most suitable.
Of course, in order to determine the most suitable amount of grease filling, sometimes thinking about other elements. For
example, on some full of dust or in very humid open bearings and even a
touch of the vapors in the work environment, it is also possible to
fill in some more grease in order to have a very good seal condition,
the bearing from dust or moist invasion.
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- ADD: No.503,Hunan International Commerce Center, Jintai Square,Changsha 410001,Hunan
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